Thursday, October 7, 2010


BSP is going on hiatus for a few weeks.
I'll be breaking in a new passport and traveling 20,000+ miles.
See you in November.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Some days

Some days I feel like a busy intersection.
Thriving. Vibrant. Connected.
Other days, like the corner of an abandoned lot.
(Cue tumbleweed.)
The key is--is there a key?
If there is a key, it might be: remain calm and split the difference.
The good news is, there is genius at those crackling edges.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Precious munchees

I haven't posted much graffiti here lately. Here are two I snapped recently with my phone so please excuse the poor quality.

>tAY we got the munchees
>Don't be so precious about it

Too much heavy thinking and I'm ready for an IV hookup of bloody marys so for today, smile at the smartass tags and let all the other stuff go.
Because it's just stuff and it's all just a ride.