Sunday, May 20, 2012

art is ego is

To create art you have to be somewhat egotistical.
News flash, I know!
Even the humblest artist feels they have something to say or anyway a need to express themselves, some kind of inner compulsion that thrusts itself out into the public eye.
Otherwise, the laptop would remain powered off, brushes would stay put away in a drawer, guitars and drums would gather dust.
I'm not exempt from this. I wonder often, Am I an egotistical jerk?
People share.
One friend sent me to Gloomy Bear and I fell in love:

A musician friend sent me this Boards of Canada video, maybe the coolest thing I've seen in awhile:

Saturday, May 12, 2012

my kinda hip

Lawww have marcy, Seattle's numero uno in America for hipsters. Check this vid about the hunt for the elusive Brooklyn hipster. Mme Galliot should also pay attention to plaid, droopy black beanies, scarves, and a penchant for bands whose music involves a lot of clapping. (*note: I removed the Vimeo link due to auto play driving me cra-zay)

Me, this is my kinda hip.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the sweet

so where is that intermediary spot?
because, I can't quite locate it.
either everyone calls, or no one.
either I love the world, or wish to depart it.
I don't need superlatives.
and yet my vocabulary is liberally peppered with awesome and amazing and super and rad.
I want to move forward into love and yet I can't quite step off the curb.
my new shrink asked me to *talk about* talking about my past, sensing after just 3 visits how scared I was.
and there's this essay I'm working on, about being a kid and wanting to be good and needing to be bad.
anyway, c'est tout for now.