Tuesday, June 25, 2013


A friend-artist-actor-drinking buddy-poet-provocateur made a delivery today.
Art, for me, 5x4 and so hefty we needed a Zipcar to haul it, so weighty I can't tear my eyes away from it.
The gift is the idea, the dream, the paint and splinters and varnish, the work.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

no no no nooooo


yes please
Listen up, gents.
I've been noticing a lot of y'all sporting jeans shorts similar to whats on the left. Long, loose, dark denim shorts, drifting past the knee in some cases, shirt tucked in (sometimes a polo, and sometimes belted), along with flip-flops circa 1997.
This is what I have to say about all of this.
No no no no no no.
Make it stop. Please.
And take a hint from the guy on the right. Those are some pants I'd like to get into.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I bought a new thermos for my writing space. On weekend days, when I'm settling in for a few hours, when I have the time to out-wait every single one of my stalling techniques--checking e-mail and fb, scanning a few favorite blogs, making lists, drawing pictures, staring at the ceiling or phrases from last year's Super Bowl Mad-Libs script pinned up on my corkboard ("chapped nipples")--finally I can settle down, pour a cup of coffee and write.
Today I got word of honorable mention in a writing contest. I want more--I want print--but it's a nice pat on the back. Yay me.
This amazing graffiti is an alley at University and 47th.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

whats not

I'm dragging a bit today, went for a long sunny walk after work Friday, ran into my pal Thad and we walked and talked all the way to Capitol Hill, catching up on life, rhymes, shows. What a nice way to end a workday and begin the weekend. I met some besties at a new-ish diner for tots and cocktails, then took the pre-game over to Lobby for drinks overlooking busy Pike Street, then finally to Chop Suey where Glitterbang opened (solid portland duo) followed by one of my fave bands Dont Talk to the Cops. They still got it, we danced and goofed around in a photo booth and called it a night mid-way through the main act.
This video makes me happy: DTTTC + b-boys! what's not to love.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Scenes from a weekend: I rented a car after work Thursday and caught a ferry to the coast. Friday morning picked up an electric lawnmower at Sears and drove through a sudden downpour out to Ram Hill. I had big plans to work outside all day but using an electric mower in the rain didn't seem like a great idea. The sun returned and by then I had assembled the mower--a super easy snap-n-tighten task thanks to Remington--plugged it in and I was mowing.
Call me melodramatic but it hurts me to cut grass, especially this grass, knee-high and lush and billowy and deeply green, dotted with daisies and some dandelions and wildflowers. But, in the interest of crowd control I flipped the lever to the highest setting and mowed away. I pulled weeds, swept the patio, used the push mower on the driveway, cleared branches, and when I was done, the air smelled rich and sweet, and didn't have that heavy petroleum tinge a gas mower leaves behind, fart-like.
I built a fire Friday evening, sat on the patio with beer and snacks and read and looked up at the sky, listened to the wind in the trees and birds chattering and wet wood crackling.
Yesterday was a friend's birthday and a bunch of us gathered at her place to celebrate with tacos and a pinata stuffed with candy and lil nippers. Later I had long island iced teas at sunset on the deck at Pony with a charming friend. When I mentioned how sexy his confidence was, he lowered his sunglasses and said, well thank you but is anyone confident? we're all faking it, right? I had to agree. The night ended with whiskey at another friend's, and a belligerent guy ranting at a Ballard bus stop at 1 a.m., screaming about Africa and injustice until a vet, just back from Afghanistan, regulated.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

hbd Sid

Birthday happies to my little sis today.
She has a lot of nicknames--Yula, Sid, Binky Bear--and wears a lot of hats: mom, wife, Senior HR Vice Directorial Professional, co-conspirator, sister, friend.
The past year was an ass of a year, and saying this for a family on close terms with all the baddies (death, abandonment, betrayal, you get me right?)--well, that's saying a lot.
Kind of like saying the ocean is deep or Johnny Depp is hot (hott--hawttt!).
My sis has come through the year with grace, endurance, tenacity, and her signature dry wit. The forecast for the upcoming year still ain't so great but I'm holding out hope and wishing her peace, love and happies.