Monday, July 29, 2024

New story out: Blister Dick, in Fiction on the Web

Thanks Fiction on the Web for publishing my story "Blister Dick."

"At the dentist, to whom she had begged him to go, he ran into his high school girlfriend. 

"We're going to meet up for coffee," he told Brett later, looking as pleased as anyone could with a jawful of Novocaine."

I loved writing this story of jealousy and imagined betrayal. Although, I'll probably regret the title and the illustrative AI image is not mine. Happy reading!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

back back back again

photo of a coffee cup with a small flower in a vase

BSP took a couple weeks off to see family, blow up some fireworks, bask on a houseboat, catch Missy Elliott's FIRST EVER headlining tour, laugh with friends and enjoy delicious vegan food. I'd forgotten just how delicious Seattle coffee is and this cup at Leon Coffee House was especially good. Strong, dark, not acidic. Complemented with a cookie and a smile.

Now it's back to reality.

And by reality, I mean art, music, friends, and good times.