Friday, January 24, 2025


carnival snow person
carnival snow person


Weeks into what has already been a heavy year, New Orleans welcomed six to ten inches of snow. As always, day 1 is magical, day 2 is fine, and now we're in the frozen slush stage of wishing it was all gone. Temps will be in our favor by tomorrow but it's been a hoot witnessing all the reactions. Snowball fights and ice skating and snowboaring. Oddly shaped snowpeople. Sledding on the levees. Countless musicians holding impromptu outdoor concerts, playing as the flakes fell. Good times continue to roll.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

a bittersweet birthday month

It’s my birthday month (all hail fellow Capricorns!) and already I’ve enjoyed some great food, laughs with friends and one impromptu serenade of Stevie Wonder’s “Happy Birthday.” To honor the wonderful city of New Orleans I’m asking you to hold your loved ones close, and go hear some live music and celebrate safely. This is a city that knows hospitality and entertainment and the New Year’s attack on Bourbon St. is still weighing heavily on hearts and minds. 

If you’re of a mind to help the families of the 14 departed or the scores of victims, has a list of verified ways to give:

Peace and love.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

the biggest small town

New Orleans is the biggest small town I know of.

A dear friend who works in the hospital system told me he'd met so many of the Bourbon Street victims' families. I gave away the store to these dear people, he wrote: flowers, candy, hugs. He listened to the sorrowful stories, friended them on Facebook and kissed their babies. 

My neighbor's partner is in law enforcement, they told me today, one of the first to arrive at the scene on New Year's morning, on the heels of the officers who were wounded. They worked 26 hours that day, over a hundred hours this past week, and they're exhausted and worried.

At the 12th Night parade last night a police car blared its siren and the woman on the sidewalk ahead of us flinched visibly. That's all I heard that night, she said. She was at the hostel on Canal.

rest easy






Sunday, January 5, 2025

more on 2025 but first Bourbon Street

I had a few things to say about the arrival of 2025 but the attack onBourbon Street pre-empts everything. I woke Wednesday morning to dozens of texts and NOLA Ready alerts and pulled up WDSU on my phone, watching the story unfold in horror. Friday afternoon I walked to the site to pay my respects and yes it was the usual New Orleans chaos, people on Canal loitering, talking, drinking, cars rolling slowly by with people leaning out the window videoing, countless law enforcement and journalists with cameras and microphones.

But the site feels deeply sadly peaceful, candles and flowers and messages, many visitors standing in silence. I felt a deep quiet sorrow and wished the departed souls mercy on their journey. These attacks on innocent souls out enjoying life cut deep, especially in a city which prides itself on knowing how to celebrate.

Maurice Ruffin had something to say in Time

To donate: