Saturday, November 24, 2012

a few words from thad wenatchee

well, what's all this talk about the future???
where is my hoverboard @..

and where are my messages from space ??

we've been hanging out today, feeling the rotation of the earth, talkin' bout good times. i would suggest to you to mostly do that all the time with your friends.
as Elise once said today, somethin like Spicoli, "what the f*** is work good for??"
it's good for money. but otherwise, coffee buddies and jalepeno cheese puffs and Earl Sweatshirt traxx.

what's it worth to you to ride the wavve, ride the stream ??? it's your value, your perception that dictates it's worth. and you already knew that.

this winter, the weather will be mild, the mood will be wobbley, and the portals will be open.
let's chill and listen to good music and get good work done and laugh a lot and drink mostly clean liquids.

live savage and hug your friends and eat well. and stuff.

oh, and the end of the world has already happened. so chill.

- tw
   nov mmxii

1 comment:

  1. "So chill", I love it.
    These are great!
