I took this picture on a particularly tough day last week. My sis and I
sat together in a courtroom, not for the first time, certainly not for
the last. We stared at our reflections in the Plexiglass and waited and
tried not to hear the slurpy machine noises coming from the row ahead of
us, where a big stringy-haired girl with smeary jailhouse tats sucked
the snot out of her sick kid's nostrils with some kind of electric
Lawyers came and went--this little circus is all about the lawyers, there's a chunky guy with 80's feathered hair and too-tight double-breasted suits that we call Tonka Truck--anyway the lawyers did their lawyerly thang and we waited and the judge trained an eager-eyed up-and-comer in low murmurs and we waited and then it was over, continuance, continuing disappointment, more waiting. I just want it to be over, we kept saying, and then later, over coffee at the Vietnamese place down the street, we realized: it won't ever be -- over.
In America nobody is superior to anybody else, right?
Oh please, who am I kidding? We preach egalitarianism and meanwhile elections are bought and sold and VIPs shop exclusive after hours sales events and rich travelers float through time and space on a magic carpet of free booze and roasted mixed nuts and leg rests.
Anyway, our circumstances are horrific. Mostly, we are just trying to survive with our senses of humor intact.
We are trying to survive without losing our shit or our grip; without losing a most precious gift who is sometimes a sarcastic little cheating-at-cards shit but mainly right now all arms and legs and glittery eyeliner.
Funniest fb post I saw today: Not true, Dad. BACON is bogus. Like!
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