Tuesday, April 9, 2013


It seems unnecessary to say it but: I survived.

My friends posse'd up, including my little sis, who I couldn't look at in the audience without wanting to cry, and friends showed up to listen who I never would imagined would come to a reading! I felt solidarity among the editors and other writers, I felt scared but also resolved: this was going to happen, and it was going to be okay. We had a drink after at Unicorn. My man texted from the opposite coast to say he was proud of me. Then I hopped in my sis's car and we sped off to the airport.
This Blue Scholars vid is a most legit Seattle lovesong. And need I remind you that Macklemore shot part of Thrift Shop in the Unicorn's new-ish downstairs lounge? Also fun--spotting guest stars, from Champagne Champagne and the female half of DTTTC (80% sure on this one).

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