Lots on my mind and it's hard to think straight. Missing momash--it's been 10 years since we lost her. Yula and I visisted the cemetery with sunflowers and yellow Gerbera daisies, chocolate cherry drinks and a chocolate covered graham cracker. We put our arms around each other and looked at the grave stone and wept. The loss is fresh somehow. We talked about her. To her. I know she's not there but when it's time to go I hate saying good-bye. We talked to my grandma and aunt, who were at the cemetery in Kansas, having braved the snow and cold to leave a rose for her. I had a moment where it was too much and I couldn't speak. Then we FaceTimed with our sis in Canada and Ms Hammy (distracted by wardrobe planning for a dance last night).
She was a good momash and we were lucky to have her.
A doorway looked at two ways, in LQA.
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