Tuesday, February 16, 2021

never again is now

mural: never again is now

I think about this mural in the CID a lot. 

This second impeachment trial has made it clear--if there was any doubt!--that the baddies are still determined to have their way. Losing the presidency and the Senate is only a temporary setback for them. Once they're back in power, they won't leave. I don't see that progressives are determined or united enough to stop them. I still think it's time to go. But where?


Prolonged isolation is getting to me. I don't feel good about my job, or my relationship, or many of my friendships. Getting through each day feels like an accomplishment. I'm down to the basics: get up, get some exercise, put in my work hours, and write. Sometimes there's a friend or family Zoom, or an online event. I delay sleep as long as I can, dreading the long cold hours of tossing and turning. 

What does paragraph one have to do with paragraph two? 

My desire to change my dynamic is becoming overwhelming. I want to hit the road. I want to go see the people I care about and write and live life and hear music and see art and drink cocktails and laugh. Stasis is killing me.

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