Thursday, May 5, 2022

the new The Batman

I watched the new Batman movie "The Batman" and while I enjoyed the first hour, the back end of this movie felt like a muddled mess. Then the credits rolled and I realized one of my writing teachers from UW co-wrote the screenplay. 


Well not really. I'm sure he made a ton of money which is annoying af but he's also the kid of a celebrity so. I'll say what I want. He'll be fine. 

It mystifies me that a screenplay plot this awkward and messy made it through presumably all kinds of reviews and edits. Because during and after the movie, I wondered and still wonder, what the hell was that? After a fairly zippy start, it all just felt tired and like check-the-box writing. Lots of talking about plot points from 10 minutes before, a convenient voicemail where a villain confesses to a crime, names names and then loudly murders someone, and a wooden performance from R Pat where he's alternately a sad boi (sans Bat-mask) or a grim boi. He also seems dumber than a box of rocks, always showing up too late to do anything but paw at evidence or haplessly watch as the city explodes.

And don't get me started on the lack of women. Other than the luminous Cat Girl, there's a blond night club worker (murdered early on) and a determined Black mayor (briefly on screen, then shot). 

Even Alfred seems tired. 

I wish I had those 3 hours back. I'd rather watch this again instead.

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