Monday, July 3, 2023

memoir seeking agent update 2

I'm lurching along, continuing to refine my memoir proposal and cold call/pitch agents.
My second rejection also came within 24 hours. It doesn't "feel this is the right fit for my list at the moment, so I'll have to pass. Keep querying! Another agent might feel differently."

That exclamation mark. At first it felt encouraging, but now as I reread it, I reconsider. Am I being mocked?
"The right fit" is language we've used at past jobs to keep out people who don't look like us. A colleague warned me that literary gatekeeping is real. I don't doubt it. I'm just not yet willing to stop trying.
My Midwestern politeness would very much like to send a "thanks for reading" to these agents but the query manager tool won't allow it. "Sorry, but you attempted to send an E-Mail to an unmonitored E-Mail address. This is an automated reply. Your original message has not been read." The level of "NO" is almost hilarious. Almost.

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