Sunday, April 5, 2020

everyone I know

Everyone I know is Doing Something.
(Well, not everyone, but the ones I talk to on the reg.)
Making masks. Donating money. Working for production kitchens. Painting boarded-up shops. Buoying spirits.

A good friend calls every few days to check in and we've spoken on the phone more in the past  few weeks than in the past 20 years.
We're a month into social distancing and I think in awe and with new respect of my grandparents during the Second World War, apart for years, fighting and serving and helping and not knowing when the end would come.
Yesterday on my early walk there was virtually no one on the streets or in the passing buses. The birds were chirping merrily. No stores or shops are open (or if they are, it's for old folks and immune-compromised only). A bored security guard smoked a cigarette on a street corner. One very fat robin hopped along the sidewalk in front of me, not bothering to fly, giving me the side eye when I finally got close enough to walk past it.

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